Mec Ship srl in the context of industrial choices aimed at the development of “Green Technology” for shipping, has been working since 2016 to develop the ability to design, plan and install systems for reducing emissions by ships both in the air and in the water (Ballast Water Management System, Scrubber, GHG Limitation System, etc.).
To this end, investments were made in three-dimensional laser scanning by acquiring tools such as the Faro Focus 150 laser scanner and software for the treatment of point clouds such as: SCENE, AVEVA E3D and LASER MODELLER , capable of perform laser surveys and complete or partial “Engine Room” processing to verify spaces and installation possibilities, and to be able to develop a complete 3D design of the various retrofit solutions.
In addition, various emission reduction systems and technologies have been studied and analyzed that make Mec Ship srl a designer, independent installer and consultant in the operational choice of systems by those Owners who require a “turnkey” service. Furthermore, Mec Ship srl has established agreements with suppliers of new generation materials, especially as regards pipes both in PVC and GRE , in order to support the Shipowners in use of new types of systems with the most advanced materials.